Good template and liked by visitors are craving setipa blogger blog. But if the effect is often to change the template when the blogg?
Replacing Tamplete blog is very risky to the loss of reading posts from a google search. As a result, the article has been indexed by the search engine would otherwise be lost!, Therefore jaganlah often replace tamplete blog, but it's better to modify it by adding a nice embed embed according to seo blog.
For those of you who put meta (keywords, description, lang, etc.) do not forget menyertakananya ditemplate also new. Also setting the headings (H1, H2, H2, etc.) do not forget to be reapplied. Because these things often happen to those who have just replace blogger template decreased traffic.
To that end, preferably with a blog we should only have lam tamplete installed, it will make your blog better in the eyes of search engines publication. Hopefully this article useful for bloggers who like mutually tamplete his blog. Greetings bloggers!