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How to consume A Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut?

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 2 September 2009 | 09:30

How to consume a Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut? For the second consumption, it can drink the boiled water from the Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut.

No matter how old she or he, cancer is attack everyone can be. While, from genetically factor it has chance from 1 to 5% and from other factor cancer is coming from pollution, food chemical, tocsin on smoke, pesticide, metal, formalin, unhealthy lifestyle (improperly diet and less of physical exercise)

Cancer is such a deathly disease, because of the conventional medication is only cure the quarter from the total disease. It is because of some cells in cancer are resist from the medicine. That is why; to prevent cancer is by doing a healthy lifestyle. Such As, consume good foods and beverages, vegetables needed, fruits, and natural and herbal product in order to increase body immune, to decrease the side effects or complication and also to make a better life.

A Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut, especially from Hydnophyutum formicarum and Myrmecodia pendens ia been use for long time ago as a cancer cure and medication by the people of Local Southeast Asia. For Malaysia people, Thailand, Philipine, Vietnam and Indonesia, consume Hydnophyutum formicarum. While, Myrmecodia pendens is limited used by the Papuan.

How to consume a Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut? For the second consumption, it can drink the boiled water from the Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut. The Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut is consisting of strong antioxidant like vitamin C, flavonoid and tannin. Those compounds are internally produced by Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut as an immune. Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut also can exceed a cervix cancer, breast cancer, Leukemia, prostate cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer and intestine cancer.

Result by the observation found that consuming Myrmecodia pendans / Sarang Semut in extract is better than consuming in real thing.

Source: info-sehat.com

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