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Typhonium Plus - Alternative Cancer Treatment (Typhonium flagelliforme / Keladi Tikus extract)

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 1 August 2009 | 12:09

As a natural supplement may help to combat cancer/tumor and stimulate anti body.

Typhonium Plus may help to cure breast, colon, rectum, liver, prostate, leukemia, cervical cancer and lung cancer.

Cancer is not one specific disease. It is a process that can affect any organ of the body. A healthy human body consists of normal growing cells which carry out the life processes in a normal and orderly manner. A normal living cell can, for various unfortunate reasons, turn abnormal or cancerous. It multiplies in the body rapidly and excessively, forming a group of cells of uncontrollable growth resulting in a swelling. Then the abnormal cells break up and invade adjacent tissues and organs and destroy them. With each hectic, uncontrolled and disordered cell growth, the body's energies are misused and wasted. If this continues unchecked, death can occur.

Typhonium flagelliforme / Keladi Tikus is a herbal plant grows in East Asia as traditional medicine to combat cancer.
How Does Typhonium Plus Affect Your Body?

Typhonium flagelliforme / Keladi Tikus extract and other herbs combine help in the detoxification of the blood system. Typhonium Plus contains ribosome in acting protein (RIP), anti oxidant, and anti curcumin. Together triggered cells may in turn produce mediators that stimulate and strengthen other cells of the immune system of the body to combat the cancerous cells. Since the growth of cancerous cells is reversible given the correct chemical stimulus and environment, this explanation is not far-fetched.
Typhonium Plus is a combination of selective herbs extract which in synergy strengthening works of Typhonium flagelliforme / Keladi Tikus

- Two days after consuming Typhonium Plus, you may feel stomach problem, little diare, faeces turn black and body feel fatigue.
- Sometimes patient may vomit after consumption, if this symptoms happened stop taking the capsule ,when you feel better, you can continue taking the capsules but reduce the dosage or consult with your medical practitioner.
- Pregnant women should not take these capsules

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